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[QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms Empty [QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms

Sat May 23, 2020 7:03 pm
Hello, I have 2 operating rooms (surgery), as you can see in the pic, some staff is in one room and someone else in the other one (or using objects from the other room, look 2 tables prepared in 2 different rooms). It happens frequently, and I noticed a difference from the start when I added a second operating room, initially surgery where made simultaneously in both the rooms, but now is not like that. I've verified staff is enough to perform 2 surgery simultaneously. What happens then? Thanks
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[QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms Empty Re: [QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms

Sun May 24, 2020 12:33 pm
Adding more pics.
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[QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms Empty Re: [QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms

Mon May 25, 2020 10:00 am
Hi, thanks for the message and the details!

Unfortunately you'll need to mark two individual operating rooms in the floor plan for this to work correctly, as you currently have only one operating room with two (or one and half) sets of equipment - the whole room gets reserved when a surgery starts or later for cleaning (and it won't get selected for other patients while reserved by somebody else).
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[QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms Empty Re: [QUESTION] surgery - operating rooms

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