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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:59 am
Hi there,

Since months now I have this bug ruining my saves.
When I get a surgery room, this one will run normaly for a few times, but then it stop receiving patient, and the bed icon became a janitor item, as seen on screenshots.
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  20210816
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  20210815

The only solution I found is to delete and re-assign the room, but the problem will re-appear a few in game hours later.

Is this a known issue?

Logs attached.
I can't add my saves because I'm knew here apparently (no external link allowed).
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Attachment
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:58 pm
Hi, thanks for your message and for letting us know about the issue - my best guess it is something pretty rare, as we haven't got any similar reports. In either case, we'll be happy to have a look at the save to try to figure out what exactly is going wrong.

I've freed some space here on the forum, so feel free to use the Reply to topic button and try to upload the save directly, or just email it to us at Thanks in advance!
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:07 pm
Just one more quick note/explanation: the icon basically tells you that the room is currently being cleaned after the previous surgery, I've checked how long it usually takes and it should be less than one ingame hour. If there's no janitor in sight though, it will be most likely a bug.
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:23 am
Thanks for the reply.
I actually never figure it was a feature because I often see the janitors cleaning the room during surgery.
After some tests, the room became functional again, but it takes several in game hours most of the time.

But maybe I just don't have enough janitors, I'll make a try with way more of them and I'll let you know.
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:44 am
Well I think I get it :
The shift between janitor teams seems to be the problem.
The janitor assign to the surgery room is still the one from the previous shift, so it's blocking the room for the entire day (or night).
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Inked210

My save is attached.

Edit : I also notice a janitor, who was assigned to clean the surgery room,  actually cleaning the floor in another department.
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:32 pm
Hi, thanks for the update! I've added a bit of code that should detect the situation and free the rooms automatically, this will be included in the next patch. On the other hand, I haven't see the situation happen even when running the game for an ingame week (the save is from Day 43) - if you come across it again, it would be great if you could attach a fresh save file so we can verify the hotfix works as expected. Thanks in advance!
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:03 am
Thanks for your reply.
That's strange that you didn't had this situation in a week, it happens almost every day with me (not always in the same department).
That just happened again :
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Inked211

I also had again a janitor assigned to clean the surgery room, but who was doing something else (cleaning somewhere else, filling his needs) until the end of his shift (actually that's the one on the screenshot).

New save attached.
[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Attachment
Surgery room and janitors You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.8 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:34 am
Hi, thanks for the update and the new save, I can see the problem there, so I could verify that the fix I mentioned in my previous reply works.

Also, for now there should be a workaround you can use, the situation should be also resolved by saving and reloading the game - I understand it's a bit inconvenient, but should hopefully help for now before we release the next patch with the automatic fix.
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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:19 pm
That's great, thanks for your time and reactivity!  cheers

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[NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational  Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Surgery rooms not operational

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