Project Hospital
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Join date : 2020-04-04

[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Empty [OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy.

Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:09 am
Bug 1
At night patients will be left waiting even if there is a dr in the office of the clinic - usually pops up getting ready to leave at around 3am, happened 2 nights in a row and I had to manually change the patients dr and then the patient was called.

Bug 2
I changed the map and placed new foundations to have space for pharmacy and cafeteria. I marked out a new road using the tiles, yet the ambulances keep driving through the pharmacy.
[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Attachment Game fileYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1.5 Mb) Downloaded 3 times
[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Attachment
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[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Empty Re: [OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy.

Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:58 pm
Tried to play the same game and same thing happened at around 4am with Nancy Wilson getting a "About to leave".
[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Attachment
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[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Empty Re: [OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy.

Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:42 am
Hi, thanks for the report! We can see the issue with patients stuck without a doctor in the save, it seems to be related to patients that were waiting for a lab test when the hospital switched from day shift to night shift. We'll be investigating further.

Regarding the ambulances - they always follow the straight path from the parking to the main road on the small road that gets automatically generated when moving the parking lot - we'll probably block placing objects in the area, currently it's not completely locked so you can for example draw lines on the road. While the clipping of the ambulance through the building is technically harmless, the game should prevent this situation form happening in the first place. Smile
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[OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy. Empty Re: [OPEN] 2 bugs - patients not assigned to dr + ambulance driving through pharmacy.

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