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Prescribe everything you can? Empty Prescribe everything you can?

Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:51 pm
Good afternoon,

I don't have medical knowledge, but when I diagnose a case at 100% and I see all the symptoms are healed when I prescribe everything. Is this correct or it's crazy?
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Prescribe everything you can? Empty Re: Prescribe everything you can?

Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:12 am
Crinlorite wrote:Good afternoon,

I don't have medical knowledge, but when I diagnose a case at 100% and I see all the symptoms are healed when I prescribe everything. Is this correct or it's crazy?

You can prescribe everything of course, but it will take a time for your docs to print all the recipes ... It's usually better to prescribe treatments only for symptoms with higher discomfort, or life threatening obviously Wink
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Prescribe everything you can? Empty Re: Prescribe everything you can?

Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:28 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Well, unless you want to boost your hospital rating. Curing all negative effects seem to award a "treated" perk to the patient and this will net you more satisfaction stars with the patient (+1 or 2 stars, i cannot remember). This leads to more patients because of high hospital rating later. I like my docs nice and the patients cured and happy Smile
In fact, I am a bit sad that I cannot tell my docs to cure everything possible by default. A button like the one for the diagnosis correctness would be nice to have.

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Prescribe everything you can? Empty Re: Prescribe everything you can?

Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:17 am
I rarely "throw the kitchen sink" at patient in terms of treatments. I like to be mindful of task load especially in high-demand/critical depts.
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Prescribe everything you can? Empty Re: Prescribe everything you can?

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