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[RESOLVED] Transport ambulance got stuck Empty [RESOLVED] Transport ambulance got stuck

Sun Feb 21, 2021 2:30 pm
I am operating no hospitalization hospital except emergency part, and TC.
So I have to make patient transported out who has to be cured with hospitalization.

But, while the black ambulance pick up this patient, he is not loading the patient on to the ambulance.
Attached screenshots and save data, but there were no autosave from when it happened before.

I have 2 more patients with the same case, am worrying this bug will happen again for these.
They are now just stuck and take beds forever.

Please look into it. Thanks
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[RESOLVED] Transport ambulance got stuck Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Transport ambulance got stuck

Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:41 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, thanks for the report!

First, good news, I'm attaching a fixed version of your save, let me know if you can continue without further issues.

I'm looking at the log (I've downloaded it and deleted it from the forum to save space). Unfortunately it doesn't contain info from the time the issue started, but we can at least add a safety check in the next patch that should automatically resolve this very situation if it ever happens in the future.

If you can remember any details about when it happened or if you were doing anything specific at the time apart from sending patients away, feel free to write those down, it could help us figure out the original cause.
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