Project Hospital
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[OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money Empty [OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money

Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:55 am
(screenshot attached)
Screenshot 1: I try to plan the layout of my hospital on grass with just assigning rooms and corridors, etc. (no foundation, floors, walls, nothing).
Screenshot 2: When trying to use the copy prefab function to duplicate it, it costs money. Why? I didn't build anything.

Basically all I'm trying to do is creating a blueprint of the hospital with similar office buildings.
It's not a big issue but would be convenient, when I try to duplicate floor plans with same layouts.
[OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money Attachment
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[OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money

Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:06 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, this is a nice catch - the cost actually comes from copying the floor/ground, let me see if we can easily add a check that will prevent paying for tiles with the same type/material.

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[OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money

Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:12 pm
This is still a problem, copying mere layout plans costs money. I was trying to design a new sandbox hospital and realized suddenly that I'm down 16k without having build any foundation.

Was the fix too complicated to implement or was it forgotten/backlogged?
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[OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Tiny bug? Using copy prefab function for assigning type of room costs money

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