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Join date : 2021-08-25
Age : 42

[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Empty [QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours

Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:51 am
I have a dead body in the cold room. There is a doctor in the office. The doctor's card says that she is reserved for autopsy. However, she has been standing in her office without a stir for hours. Can you please take a look?
[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Attachment
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[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.2 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Attachment
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Empty Re: [QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours

Wed Sep 08, 2021 1:20 pm
Hi, looking at the save, the most likely cause is that there's nobody at the night shift at pathology available to transport the patient, you only have one nurse assigned to the day shift - could you check if this was the problem?
Posts : 26
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Join date : 2021-08-25
Age : 42

[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Empty resolved

Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:12 am
Thank you very much.
I didn't realise that I did not hire a nurse for the night shift.

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[QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours Empty Re: [QUESTION] a pathological doctor stays standing while a dead body is waiting for hours

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