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[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:40 am
I currently have a problem on my surgery department that blood splatter on the floor is not cleaned up by the janitors, while it is cleaned up everywhere else (like in the TCs).
I know for sure that they do not clean it, since my janitors are actively avoiding it and clean around the tile that has blood on it (I have seen several times that a janitor would clean all 8 tiles around the blood tile, but not the tile itself).

I have no idea why that happens, but it is a bit annoying.

EDIT: Okay, I have found out why they do this.
When the blood is anywhere that is not marked as a corridor, room, unit, etc., the janitors will clean everything besides the blood tile.
I apparently forgot to mark the hallway as a corridor, which fixed the problem.
However, that still does not really explain why they do not clean the tiles with blood on them, but do clean all the other tiles.

EDIT2: Now that I made the hallways into corridors, the opposite effect happens.
Everything does not get cleaned on it, except for blood.
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[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty Re: [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:21 pm
Hello I have the same problem.

Thx for fix.

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[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty Re: [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:15 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hello everybody!

Thanks for the reports and also for attached files - we will analyze issues and create efective fix, as soon as possible!

Cheers Wink
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Join date : 2018-10-31

[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty Re: [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:38 pm
Bug confirmed, I have the same problems, janitors are just skipping the blood splatters on the floor.
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Join date : 2018-10-31

[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty Re: [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

Wed Nov 07, 2018 11:32 pm
Actually, I am starting to get more and more problems with janitors, just straight up refusing to do anything useful including taking breaks.
They are now cleaning the same set of tiles over and over again, walking around those that are dirty and complaining about having to go to the toilet and being hungry, while they can easily take a break.
Not really sure how and why this is happening, but it does.
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[OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood Empty Re: [OPEN] Janitors not cleaning up blood

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