Project Hospital
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Fix priority related issue, and allow ICU to use cardio equippments. Empty Fix priority related issue, and allow ICU to use cardio equippments.

Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:49 am

  • First, fix bugs related on procedures like waiting for surgery that pause all examinations and treatments.
    IRL, you can perform treatments while waiting for surgery.
    This kicks-in because of the priority system of the game,forcing it to perform ONLY the most important procedure.

  • Second, allow ICU patients to be examined by other departments.
    IRL, doctors can ask for a consultation from other departments if they need that examination to be performed in ICU.
    Patients health is always the most important than rules.
    Some patients just die because of hidden symptoms not allow to be discover by ICU examinations.
    This is how the game works now, because patients are not allowed to use examination rooms reserved for departments other than ICU.
    For example, EKG, ultrasound, those are cardiology related. ICU patient can't use them.

  • Third, add more info tabs to show which patients are queuing for examination room.
    Or add a tab in the patient list that shows his/her next procedure.
    Or just simply change the patient's status to something like "Waiting for CT" instead of "Hospitalized, Sleeping".
    I can tell he/she is sleeping by looking at them, but I also need to know his/her next accessment.
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