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Staff let patients die Empty Staff let patients die

Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:14 pm
Sometimes the doctors will happily ignore dying patients while everything is available,
I encounter this especially with "Respiratory failure" (see attached file)

I saw the respiratory failure in advance and immediately put the patient up for ICU.
The patient went there soon and despite the treatment "Artifical ventilation" being queued,
the active doctors were too busy at their PC.
After ~ 4 ingame hours, the patient suffered the 3rd failure and perished thereafter.

The staff was available, the room fully equipped and priority should be given.
How can I avoid this aside from transporting the patient away?

I believe I found out the reason. Once a surgery is scheduled (not active), the doctors won't do any other treatment until that is finished.
To circumvent this, you have to put the patient under player control and then remove surgery.
This triggers the doctors to save the patients life.

I believe that critical symptoms / treatments should always trump others.
Staff let patients die Attachment
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Last edited by Cicero on Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Inge Jones
Posts : 78
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-11-01

Staff let patients die Empty Re: Staff let patients die

Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:33 pm
It's reasons like this why we don't want robots to take over all our jobs Smile  I like that we have human doctors who care about life - and have a bit of common sense that I don't think anyone has managed to replicate with AI!
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