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Join date : 2018-12-31

[OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam) Empty [OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam)

Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:21 pm

I just bought the game through steam. My problem is that the game crashes on startup. The application starts to load for 1-2 sec before it crashes.
I have both reinstalled the game and validated game files.
Attached is the loading screen, this is up 1-2 sec beffore the game crashes.
No .log file is beeing generated.

Hope you have a fix og tip on how to solve this as the game is unplayable for me right now.
[OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam) Attachment
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[OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam) Empty Re: [OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam)

Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:08 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, I think we already talked over email - we've only had a few reports of hard crashes and the ones we're aware of were either linked to Steam libraries or to conflicting software - could you check this report, the symptoms look similar to your case:, hopefully it will solve the problem on your side as well. Cheers!

Posts : 2
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Join date : 2018-12-31

[OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam) Empty Re: [OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam)

Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:15 pm

Thank you for the reply. Same issue, bad driver on a citrix client.
Fixed by uninstalling the citirix application.

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[OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam) Empty Re: [OPEN CRITICAL] Game crashes on startup (Steam)

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