- F1ghtermedic
- Posts : 2
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Join date : 2019-03-15
[NEED MORE INFO]Regular Ward Patient to HDU Bug
Sun Mar 17, 2019 3:04 am
There was a patient that collapsed and I sent them to the Regular Ward, and on the treatments menu, I selected HDU. It then moved HDU to Active Treatments but they the patient was not moved to the HDU, instead, he was still in the Regular Ward undergoing HDU Treatment. ( I don't have a file)
- ondrej.oxymorondeveloper
- Posts : 605
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Join date : 2018-03-23
Re: [NEED MORE INFO]Regular Ward Patient to HDU Bug
Mon Mar 18, 2019 10:00 am
F1ghter wrote:There was a patient that collapsed and I sent them to the Regular Ward, and on the treatments menu, I selected HDU. It then moved HDU to Active Treatments but they the patient was not moved to the HDU, instead, he was still in the Regular Ward undergoing HDU Treatment. ( I don't have a file)
Hi and thank you for your report. We will try to reproduce the situation, but the save file would be really helpful.
Or any additional information that you can provide us with:
Was the patient hospitalized? (If so then where?)
Was the patient on the clinic?
When did you selected the HDU treatment? Was the patient alrady on the way to the regular ward?
Thank you and have a great day
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