Project Hospital
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon Apr 08, 2019 11:07 am
ICU Patients Dying, like Roman did ask on steam for the upload files here are the.

Origonal post

Hey Guys 'zuzuro'

I have a pretty *strange* Issue with my ICU. Nearly every patient admited to ICU dies.
I have enough Doctors and Nurses, but i can see that the Treatment the Patient should get is never given? Am i doiing something wrong?

Do you guys ha any kind of tips?

Sounds like an error in game ... may I ask you for save file please ... we can take a look and possibly fix it.

Thanks for your help and sorry for inconvenience.


I am not sure but i might have the same problem in my hospitals. Not only the are dying but almost everyone is collepsing to. it looks like the doctors not doing there job at all in the ICU. I really need a constand eye on my patients.


Aren't they overloaded? In our testing scenarios everything goes OK in ICU, so I'm not able to find an issue without the save file.

So here are my files
[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(3.9 Mb) Downloaded 2 times
[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Attachment
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue Apr 09, 2019 3:46 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for the save! I had to update the tweakables to be able to load the game correctly, but I managed to have a look at a few critical patients at the ICU.

Generally - everything looks pretty much normal, I don't see any patients at the ICU stuck waiting for treatments or examinations. I actually saw a couple of patients die, but these were really complicated cases where it took maybe 20 examinations to find all symptoms - this can definitely happen, especially with increased patient counts. Note that the probability of collapses has been tuned for the maximum number of patients in the base game.

One thing that might be worth having a look at would be the general efficiency of the layout and travel times, which are especially important in huge hospitals. Little bits like the distance from radiology rooms to elevators or positions of doors at the ICU can save a bit of time every time a patient is transported and give them a better chance to be treated on time.

Hope this makes sense! Smile

In the meantime I hope we'll get the save from the original post, that one sounded more like a bug...
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue Apr 09, 2019 3:54 pm
(And here's a link to the original discussion on Steam: )
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:40 pm
Hi Jan, that is strange because that you dont see it. I am not sure if i did just before i did save the game tell the doctors that the had to diagnose the patients. I am not playing this hospital anymore, i did creat a new one already to keep my self more busy and keep the game intresting for me. In the new hospital i dont have the patients dying all the time. The icu is like you say les big but still i have to tell the doctors many time to diagnose patients. Might be that i did tweak the game. But afther playing it for more then 1300 hours you need to tweak i think to keep the game intresting and so i am looking forward to the next big update. Btw can it be that things are abit diffrent when you runn the beta version of the game?
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:32 pm
Hi, strange indeed - I checked the hospital in both our development version and the normal Steam version and everything looks similar (and the beta branch currently only becomes different from the main version a few days before a patch is released, so there's no difference at this point).

If you'd like to, you can tell us a bit more about the 'have to tell doctors to diagnose patients' - are we talking about employee roles or about selecting procedures from the patient's card? Generally all patients that go to ICU should already have final diagnosis, so at this stage it's more about discovering critical symptoms.

Also the new hospital save could help, especially if you manage to save it exactly at the point when something unexpected is happening, we'll be happy to have a look.

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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:17 pm
Hi Guys

Anyway i decided to put the Logs and the Savegame in here.

I hope it helps.. Smile

PS: Great Game anyways Very Happy

Best regards
[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(37 Kb) Downloaded 2 times
[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(2.4 Mb) Downloaded 3 times
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:24 pm
Hi, thanks for the saves! Also, let me add a link back to the Steam thread:

Looking at the "6.0" save, I managed to catch a patient who died at the ICU, which might be a good example of what is happening - it was a pretty critical case, so this can happen from time to time, more often if you're playing with increased patient numbers. One thing to bear in mind is that patients only go to ICU when there's a clear diagnosis, so it's possible for a patient to collapse 2-3 times while still at emergency and being diagnosed, so when they finally get to ICU, their chance to survive is relatively low.
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:48 pm
it was about almost every one at the ICU did die. Its strange that you dont see it when you test it. Can it be that you are already running on the new version and dont have the one anymore that we are working on. I think i did see Roman say someting about it in a post on steam
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:12 pm
pieterpost wrote:it was about almost every one at the ICU did die. Its strange that you dont see it when you test it. Can it be that you are already running on the new version and dont have the one anymore that we are working on. I think i did see Roman say someting about it in a post on steam

Hi, yes, it looks a bit peculiar - but that's why I checked your original save with both our current development version and with the one that's available on Steam.

If you still see it happening and it looks like it really shouldn't, could you try to check if the patients have anything in common?
- Are these usually patients that had already collapsed before when they arrive to ICU? (You can look for heart/respiratory failures or hemorrhages among their symptoms)
- Do you also see dying patients that have been transported to ICU after surgery?

If you manage to identify anything particularly suspicious, of course please attach the latest save, we can give it another go.
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon Apr 29, 2019 6:16 pm
I will try to check it tomorrow morning. i am a bit busy now cooking and i have things to do this evening.

Btw your name sounds really Dutch hehe
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:09 pm
i did play the 6.0 game to and did have one death. Inga fisher. looking at it she did collaps 3 times before she past away. she was not in the icu but in general. i have seen that you just like me like big hospitals. with lots of room and space between it. i am not sure if this has to do with many person die. for what i have seen in my own hospital that some doctors have many patients and others dont have any patiens but in the case of Inga Fisher in the 6.0 hospital this was not the case the doctor Micheal Hagenmüller had only Inga Fisher as his patient and no other patients. For what i have seen that Inga was hungry and did probely not have her evening dinner she only had 1 or 2 stars left. There was enoug staf to give her dinner i have seen so not sure why this was. Other then a few collapses and only Inga that did pass away i did not see any other die in the hospital.
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Mon May 06, 2019 4:10 pm
i am not sure, but it looks like when you tweak the game, you have more collapses then normal even if you take more staff. also it looks like you have more death and way more then you normaly have. I did try to tweak the collapses but without any result. it did stay the same amount. The amount of patients that are dying in the ICU might have to do with this. Not sure if its a smale error that the tweaking is not working correct. But when i play the game without the tweaking i almost have no death persons and way less collapses.
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

Tue May 21, 2019 11:18 pm
Hey Guys

Thank you guys for your help, really appreciate it Smile
I also did notice the same thing as Pieter, when modding the Game (more Staff, More Patient Intake) there are more Deaths in ICU... and with that i mean in Releation to an unmodded game.

As there will be an Update coming in i am really curiouse if that changes anything releated to the ICU Deaths.

Best regards

PS: I'm from Switzerland Wink
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[QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying Empty Re: [QUESTION] ICU Patients Dying

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