Project Hospital
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Join date : 2018-09-06

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples Empty [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples

Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:51 pm
The technical staff run across the hospital to use a cabinet, but there is more than one cabinet in his lab. According to Quickinfo, the employee is handling samples.
[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples Attachment
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples Attachment
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG]Lab Bug - Technical staff run across the hospital to handling samples

Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:36 pm
FilldasBill wrote:The technical staff run across the hospital to use a cabinet, but there is more than one cabinet in his lab. According to Quickinfo, the employee is handling samples.

Hi, thank you for your report. The technician was in the cabinet to pick up the sample from patient that was on trauma center and was probably transported away in the meantime. So it it not actually a bug:) Have a great day
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