Project Hospital
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2 Questions about Creating New Diseases.  Empty 2 Questions about Creating New Diseases.

Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:30 pm
1. I’m currently working on a mod that adds new diseases to the game. My understanding is that every "main symptom" is unique to one disease in the game.  I was wondering if new diseases can have more than one “main symptom” from the “Symptom_main.xml” file.

2. In the DiagnosisINTERN.xml, DiagnosisNEURO.xml etc. each condition has the line <Tag>disease</Tag> but some of them also have <Tag>clinic</Tag> like in the example below.


What does the clinic tag do? Does it mean that patients with this condition will go to the specialized department clinic first? And without the tag they would go to the ER clinic first?
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