Project Hospital
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Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:44 pm

I have tried to look for answers to these topics but I can't seem to locate them anywhere.

Allow me to start by saying I'm very excited about this game and I have already wishlisted it on Steam.  I saw a couple of youtubers play it and it looks to scratch an itch for a more realistic hospital sim.

That being said, here are my questions:

When constructing a hospital, can you set up an "ER" where acute and emergent patients are taken?  In this section will patients either be treated and released or admitted to the hospital as needed?

As a follow up to that question, will there be patient rooms where longer term patients are kept in recovery?  Can you make them private?  Will you need doctors and nurses to round?  I know there are ICUs and wards, but these are less acuity than a ward, more of a long recovery system.  Can you set the levels to discharge them to free up beds?

If previous is true, will you introduce things like portable imaging machines?  X-ray or ultrasound to check on patient progress?  Having that will necessitate having a larger imaging department but could also open up allowing procedures to be done in the rooms.

Speaking of imaging, will you introduce fluoroscopy?  Swallow studies, nephrostograms, VCUGs and the like, even my least favorite, Barium Enemas.  Something you'd need a radiologist in the room for to run the machine with technologists assisting.

I know all of these could be added down the line in DLCs and addons, and you have already made a sale to me.  Just wondering how deep this one will go.

Last edited by Dracenfield on Tue Aug 21, 2018 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Improved readability)
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Join date : 2018-03-23

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Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:45 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hello there, well, let's start from the beginning Smile

ER - yes!

Longer term patients - generally patients recover quite quickly, but there are for example cases when somebody spends a day at the ICU and then gets transferred to a regular ward for another day.

Imaging - there's radiology as a separate department with 4 machines/room types and a few more imaging techniques they provide for the rest of the hospital (there's even barium Smile ).
Posts : 3
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Join date : 2018-08-21

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Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:57 pm
Ahh, that sounds good. I understand that longer term patients could slow the flow of the game down for sure.

Thank you for the response! I can't wait to play the game!
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