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Join date : 2020-03-08

Object TAGS Empty Object TAGS

Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:21 am
I'm wondering how they work. Do you guys have a list of them? Im making another style of an audiometer and i put in:


It appears in-game but it won't work as the original one. i.e. not counted as an audiometer in room requirement / Doctor won't use it.
How can I properly use it with vanilla scripting functions?

Can I clone the files of the in-game audiometer cuz I only want to change the art of it?

Thanks guys!
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Join date : 2019-11-28
Age : 31
Location : Australia

Object TAGS Empty Re: Object TAGS

Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:52 pm

You'll need these exact tags on the object you wish to use instead:
The ui in front of audiometer is important as that is what links to the RoomTypes.xml code as below:



            <GameDBRequiredEquipment> <Tag>ui_audiometer</Tag> <MinCount>1</MinCount>         </GameDBRequiredEquipment>

This should allow either the stock or your version to work. Let me know if this doesn't work or you have any problems.
Posts : 2
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Join date : 2020-03-08

Object TAGS Empty Re: Object TAGS

Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:14 pm
Hi sleepy,

Thank you so much!
Now I can just refer to RoomTypes.xml. It got the audiometer working but not the printer, however after reading your reply I realized that it was supposed to be ui_print instead of ui_printer.

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Object TAGS Empty Re: Object TAGS

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