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[RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor Empty [RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor

Sat May 16, 2020 4:41 am
I am using the Oncology mod which is in the modding section of this forum.  I also have the DLC.  

I was using empty desks to house staff while they were being trained.  When I finished training them and moved them to their new department, they retained the old supervisor.  In fact, if I moved them in from another department instead of hiring them fresh, they retained their original supervisor and kept that one throughout.  I could fix it most of the time by switching supervisors in any given department.  Whoever was the newest supervisor did then take over everyone.  That included the janitors, who I thought were always supposed to report to the person in the Administrative Staff Office.  I put all of the janitors back into Admin, unassigned the manager and reassigned her.  This reset all of the janitors.  But the technical staff did not switch.  The pharmacists all report to the Emergency supervisor.

I may be misunderstanding how the Admin manager is supposed to be working, but the fact is still that staff moving from one department to another are not changing supervisor.  Is this because of the Oncology mod?  I've included my most recent save.

Er, no I have not.  Free space: 1935.  If you want the save, tell me how to get it to you.
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[RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor

Sat May 16, 2020 6:05 pm
slink wrote:I am using the Oncology mod which is in the modding section of this forum.  I also have the DLC.  

I was using empty desks to house staff while they were being trained.  When I finished training them and moved them to their new department, they retained the old supervisor.  In fact, if I moved them in from another department instead of hiring them fresh, they retained their original supervisor and kept that one throughout.  I could fix it most of the time by switching supervisors in any given department.  Whoever was the newest supervisor did then take over everyone.  That included the janitors, who I thought were always supposed to report to the person in the Administrative Staff Office.  I put all of the janitors back into Admin, unassigned the manager and reassigned her.  This reset all of the janitors.  But the technical staff did not switch.  The pharmacists all report to the Emergency supervisor.

I may be misunderstanding how the Admin manager is supposed to be working, but the fact is still that staff moving from one department to another are not changing supervisor.  Is this because of the Oncology mod?  I've included my most recent save.

Er, no I have not.  Free space: 1935.  If you want the save, tell me how to get it to you.

I can confirm (I don't use extensive mods) nor do I have the DLC (yet) that this is taking place in my game as well. It is definitely a bug.
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor

Mon May 18, 2020 12:20 pm
slink wrote:I am using the Oncology mod which is in the modding section of this forum.  I also have the DLC.  

I was using empty desks to house staff while they were being trained.  When I finished training them and moved them to their new department, they retained the old supervisor.  In fact, if I moved them in from another department instead of hiring them fresh, they retained their original supervisor and kept that one throughout.  I could fix it most of the time by switching supervisors in any given department.  Whoever was the newest supervisor did then take over everyone.  That included the janitors, who I thought were always supposed to report to the person in the Administrative Staff Office.  I put all of the janitors back into Admin, unassigned the manager and reassigned her.  This reset all of the janitors.  But the technical staff did not switch.  The pharmacists all report to the Emergency supervisor.

I may be misunderstanding how the Admin manager is supposed to be working, but the fact is still that staff moving from one department to another are not changing supervisor.  Is this because of the Oncology mod?  I've included my most recent save.

Er, no I have not.  Free space: 1935.  If you want the save, tell me how to get it to you.

Hi and thank you for your report. This one is not caused by mod, but there was missing check when switching character departments. And also a bug when reassigning new chief, that should not take over janitors if there is a person in the Administrative Staff Office. Thank you for catching this. It is fixed and will be in the next patch. Have a great day
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[RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Having Trouble Switching Staff and Gaining Correct Supervisor

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