Project Hospital
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[QUESTION] Several problems - doctors and nurses comfortably seated doing nothing Empty [QUESTION] Several problems - doctors and nurses comfortably seated doing nothing

Sun May 17, 2020 3:24 pm
At this point, something is broken.
I have actually a list of people hospitalized waiting for surgery, and no one is going to pick up them for that surgery.
Also, I have a list of people need to be transferred from/to the surgical department to the emergency one, and again nothing happens.
Doctors and nurses? Comfortably seated in their place doing nothing.

chronology files:
1. OSS lavori
2. bug
[QUESTION] Several problems - doctors and nurses comfortably seated doing nothing Attachment
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[QUESTION] Several problems - doctors and nurses comfortably seated doing nothing Empty Re: [QUESTION] Several problems - doctors and nurses comfortably seated doing nothing

Mon May 18, 2020 1:26 pm
Hi, thanks for the message! Looking at the situation in the second save file, I can see that the surgical teams are ready for surgery, but the patients scheduled with highest priority are still at a trauma center at emergency waiting for a free bed at General Surgery - they need a bed reserved before surgery so they can be transferred to it when the surgery is done without the risk of being stranded on the operating table. Smile
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