Project Hospital
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Comrade Suhov
Comrade Suhov
Posts : 3
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Join date : 2020-05-14

An insurance company from Doctor mode DLC just gave me 200k in about 5 minutes of playtime... Empty An insurance company from Doctor mode DLC just gave me 200k in about 5 minutes of playtime...

Tue May 19, 2020 10:51 am
As the title says, I was building my first hospital in Sandbox mode, had 5 working departments, recently bought my first ambulance, 35 in-game days have paced. When expanding or building a new department I had to take loans several times... And then I finally create my first doctor for an on-call room in the Emergency department, switch from uninsured to Oopse Crp. an insurance company from the DLC and in a mere 2 in-game days, I got an extra 200k in my account. It's like every objective from them giving a 50k grant which is ridiculous given how fast and effortless their objectives are.

Honestly, I don't think it's is balanced and should be toned down, to be like 10-25k for early grants for this insurance company. If I wanted the game to be that easy I'd rather play with Free Building checked in from the start.I'm not saying that my save is ruined as I just have built and demolished several MRI rooms to cut off the excess of 100k money to make the reward more reasonable for me. What I mean is that this insurance company seemingly disrupts otherwise balanced game economy, at least in my opinion.
Posts : 209
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2018-11-21

An insurance company from Doctor mode DLC just gave me 200k in about 5 minutes of playtime... Empty Re: An insurance company from Doctor mode DLC just gave me 200k in about 5 minutes of playtime...

Tue May 19, 2020 9:41 pm
Comrade Suhov wrote:As the title says, I was building my first hospital in Sandbox mode, had 5 working departments, recently bought my first ambulance, 35 in-game days have paced. When expanding or building a new department I had to take loans several times... And then I finally create my first doctor for an on-call room in the Emergency department, switch from uninsured to Oopse Crp. an insurance company from the DLC and in a mere 2 in-game days, I got an extra 200k in my account. It's like every objective from them giving a 50k grant which is ridiculous given how fast and effortless their objectives are.

Honestly, I don't think it's is balanced and should be toned down, to be like 10-25k for early grants for this insurance company. If I wanted the game to be that easy I'd rather play with Free Building checked in from the start.I'm not saying that my save is ruined as I just have built and demolished several MRI rooms to cut off the excess of 100k money to make the reward more reasonable for me. What I mean is that this insurance company seemingly disrupts otherwise balanced game economy, at least in my opinion.

as a workaround (I've used this before w/ some grants) to get rid of the excess money you can purchase objects and in my case I found the expensive FAST machine to be really handy, set it on a table, and then place the table under a sani dispenser. In my case the FAST machine disappeared and I did not receive compensation for it. (worked in my case anyway). not the most ideal, yet, outside maybe a file to tweak building refund I don't think there is an ideal solution available at this time.
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