Project Hospital
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Join date : 2020-06-29

[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Empty [NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working

Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:08 am
Yesterday evening I noticed that a lot of my patients were waiting for an MRI examination but the employee manning the MRI had the 'idle' status. So I tried firing him and hiring a new employee. But that did not fix it. Then I googled my issue and it was very similar to a post of 2018 concerning the radiologists that are idle despite having patients queuing up for examination.  So following the advice on the forum:
- I first checked whether I had enough nurses for transport, despite the fact that none of the patients queuing were hospitalized (I wanted to make sure)
- Then I tried to remove all of the patients from the queue, remove the MRI department (in management mode) and restart that department. This did not fix it but I did notice that the MRI remained green colored in 'build' mode despite the rest of the room recognizing that the room was deactivated.
- Then I wanted to make sure that it was just that piece of equipment and not the entire MRI element of the game. So I built a prefab MRI department and reassigned the staff. This department is currently functioning (perfectly).  The other MRI in the deserted room does remain highlighted as active, this should be visible in the screenshot.

[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working 2020-012

So at the moment, my MRI department is "working". However, I believe that having a ghost MRI is not intended by the game and my current solution is not a long term one. If I have to buy a new MRI every time the current one is to put it in nice terms 'deciding it wants to go on a vacation' then this campaign mode where you are already dealing with debt has really just gotten a hardcore mode (Since buying a complete new MRI department sets you back about $50.000). Now I am someone who loves some realism in games, and in reality, the equipment can break or require repairs but I have not yet found that this is an element of the game. So despite reporting this as a bug, I do am somewhere hoping that this is just a feature of the game, where equipment can malfunction and needs a technician to be functional again (since this would mean that there is no bug in the game and that my MRI can still be operational again). I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to find the technician department if this is the case.

Anyway, thanks in advance for taking the time to solve my issue and kind regards,
[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Attachment
2020-06-29.png screenshotYou don't have permission to download attachments.(2.2 Mb) Downloaded 0 times
[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Attachment saved gameYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1.8 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Attachment
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working

Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:38 pm
Hi, thanks a lot for the report! This definitely looks like a bug, the green color indicates that the MRI machine is still reserved by a patient (Frank Foster according to some debug tools, who seems to have left the hospital already).

Do you still by any chance have an autosave from earlier that day so we can try to check the patient's journey through the hospital? Although it's also likely this may be related to some specific sequence of actions like planning and cancelling examinations by hand.

Moderately good news in either case: the game has a safety mechanism that will unreserve the equipment over midnight if the patient has already left.
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Join date : 2020-06-29

[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working

Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:38 pm

thanks for the fast reply. I am terribly sorry to inform you that I have no longer an autosave of that save file. I love the game so much that I could not wait to play it again and I restarted campaign 1, even if there was a possibility of that bug of occurring, a little bit after posting on this forum.

It is great to hear that even if it occurs I just have to wait till midnight and I will be a bit more conscientious of the planning of my examinations.

Again I am sorry that I could not be of further help but thanks for the help.

Kind regards,
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[NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] MRI stopped working

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