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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:04 pm
Unable to delete extra elevators

Step 1:  I've built a 5-storey building, adding all foundations first before interiors.

[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Ph-bug12

Step 2:  When I started adding elevators on the first floor, four more floors with elevators were added on top, bringing the new total of floors of my building to nine.

[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Ph-bug13

Step 3:  Deleting an extra elevator would delete its chain entirely.

[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Ph-bug11

I have disabled autosave prior to appearance of bug unfortunately.  But this is my first time building on a 96x96 in sandbox mode.  Need help! huhu

Thank you so much!
[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Attachment saved game with extra elevatorsYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1.4 Mb) Downloaded 0 times
[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Attachment
output_log.txt logYou don't have permission to download attachments.(265 Kb) Downloaded 0 times

Last edited by jan.oxymoron on Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:25 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : changed attached file)
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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:24 am
Hi, thanks for the message! I think this can happen if you mod the game to allow more floors, add as many as possible before starting to build and then building elevators last (these will always go all the way to the top floor, regardless of what was built there). Is it possible this is the case here?

It should be possible the fix the issue by hand in the save, have you continued working on the building in the meantime or is the attached save the latest one?
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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:06 pm
Thanks so much for responding! Yes, haha! That's what exactly happened.  I had subscribed to a mod and then uninstalled it later.  Mmm, I saved a new one where I just added floors for the extra elevators, but kept the old one.  Today I tried uninstalling the game entirely and installing it back.  Then I tried building on the original one and still got the same extra elevators (different save file).

Now that I understand this has something to do with the mod, I'll try to notify the author/s.

In the meantime, is there anything I can do on my end to revert the game?  I still want to continue my old game.

I really appreciate your time.

[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Attachment
Hugues You don't have permission to download attachments.(1.4 Mb) Downloaded 1 times

Last edited by exemaqus on Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added attachment)
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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:31 pm
Hi, I'm attempting this completely blind as I can't verify this in game because of the mods used, but could you try the attached save? Basically I just deleted 4 extra floors in the xml with the save, you can look for <FloorPersistentData> in case you'd like to edit another save in the future.

Btw - this isn't directly caused by the mod, it can happen also if you for example add 5 floors in the vanilla game and only use three - the best approach is to build the ground floor and only then add another one, the game will automatically copy the shape (and optionally walls), so this can save quite a bit of work. Smile
[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(677 Kb) Downloaded 2 times

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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:42 am
Yesss it worked! I tried adding an elevator in another wing and no extra elevators were added.

Thank you so much for your time!

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[OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Can't delete extra elevators

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