- dpieper123intern
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[QUESTION] Lab Techs stuck "Handling Samples" Outside Hematology Lab
Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:15 am
So this may just be the nature of my hospital, but my large hematology lab on floor 3 consistently has several lab technicians with the status, "handling samples" standing right outside the lab door not moving. Throughout the day I notice that more and more of them will get stuck there throughout shifts, and at shift switchover they will go home, only to be slowly replaced by the nightshift doing the same thing. I don't know if this is they're trying to do something else or getting stuck or a pathing issue, but any help would be appreciated.
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- jan.oxymorondeveloper
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Re: [QUESTION] Lab Techs stuck "Handling Samples" Outside Hematology Lab
Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:52 pm
Hi, thanks for the report! I managed to have a look at the save and it looks like this is related to the sample storage objects in the labs - could you please check if the behavior improves if you add a couple more of these (sample storage, looks like a tall refrigerator) to the lab? Only one employee can have it reserved to deliver a sample at one time, so technically we're looking at a queue for the fridge in front of the door. Two more should be just enough for a lab of this size.
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