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[NEED MORE INFO] Problem on triggering the events Empty [NEED MORE INFO] Problem on triggering the events

Sun Dec 26, 2021 11:03 pm
Hi, I want to report that it may have a bug on the event button in MacBook. (Before it does not have the problem) It does not use any mod, and purchase all the DLCs.

I have fulfilled the requirement of the event, but it does not unlock the button and I cannot continue to process the insurance. I just want to make sure it is my Macbook problem, or it is the game problem.

Mac: M1 2020 (16G Ram)

Thank you very much
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[NEED MORE INFO] Problem on triggering the events Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO] Problem on triggering the events

Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:34 am
Hi, thanks for your message and welcome to the forum!

When it comes to the events, I don't recall any issues with the unlocking, the only thing that comes to mind is that the events get unlocked in two stages, random events first and the buttons second - isn't this the case on your side?

If not, could you please tell us which level are you playing (the unlock objectives are different in certain levels in the campaign)? Also, it would be great if you could attach the affected save file, probably the best way to investigate the problem if it turns out to be an actual bug. Thanks in advance!
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