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I'm making a mod to fix spanish translation (for Spain) a bit Empty I'm making a mod to fix spanish translation (for Spain) a bit

Sat Apr 09, 2022 6:46 pm
Good afternoon, I've been watching how modding works, and I'm currently making a mod to solve some spanish (Spain) translation problems, well, not really problems, but some things I see and I'm not comfortable with, I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but it's working for me, I'd be happy with only being available for me, but I want to share, so, is there any problem sharing a mod in Steam Workshop for this translation fixes?

I'm currently sharing it at the workshop:

Hope it helps some people to keep using spanish translations since now it'll be better and there won't be words out of boxes and things like that, it's still WIP, but I accept comments in the mod, we can discuss better language usage or different words to feel comfortable.

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