Project Hospital
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Call me Alien
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Join date : 2019-01-21

[RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients Empty [RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients

Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:20 pm
I described a bug while I am playing PH and Roman asked for an save file. So here it is. Hopefully you can solve this. Smile
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients

Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:20 am
Hi, thanks a lot for the save, it helped us identify and fix one more problem with stuck ambulances which was probably the root cause - after next patch your save should get fixed on load.

The objects appearing around the map look really bizarre and I don't think anybody has reported something just like this yet - if you see it happen again or find anything specific, please let us know!
For now at least a workaround for the sinks around the elevator - deleting and rebuilding the elevator should clean them up.

(And here's the Steam forum thread:
Call me Alien
Posts : 2
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Join date : 2019-01-21

[RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients

Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:50 pm
Thanx a lot for the fast reply and it`s great that my funny bug helped you in solving a Problem for many other players . Very Happy
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[RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients Empty Re: [RESOLVED] Invisible an vanishing doctors and patients

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