Project Hospital
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Join date : 2019-07-02
Age : 45

[QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait Empty [QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait

Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:08 pm
it happened to me that the patient left after a long wait, because it was impossible to diagnose. resp. waiting for test results (serology). However, for some reason the patient was transferred to surgery, instead of being in the emergency room or for observation.

I think he was thrown into surgery because the disease will most likely be treated here. (only one option of the remaining options offered was an emergency room, or an internal, the rest of the surgery)

(The patient will return tomorrow, but I will not be able to reach the day again without losing the patient ... which bothers me ...)

probably not bug, but strange  behavior

stalo se mi, žepacient odešel po dlouhém čekání, protože nebylo možno stanovit diagnózu. resp. čekal na výsledky vyšetření (serologie). Nicméně pacient byl z nějakého důvodu převeden na chirurgii, namísto toho, aby byl na pohotovsti nebo na pozorování.

Mám za to, že byl hozen na chirurgii, protože nemoc bude s největší pravdědoboností léčena tady. (pouze jedna varianta z nabízených zbylých možností byla pohotovost, nebo interna, zbytek chirurgie).

(Pacient se sice zítra vrátí, ale mě se díky tomu opět nepodaří dosáhnout dne bez ztráty pacienta...což mě štve )

Asi to není chyba, ale přijde mi to divné.
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait Empty Re: [QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait

Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:55 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi, it looks like the patient is correctly assigned to General Surgery, it's just a very complicated case (judging by the three pages of completed examinations). While the AI doctors don't see a reason for hospitalizing the patient, it's always possible to order the hospitalization by hand, although it's possible the actual problem is not getting a warning a bit in advance so you have time to react to the situation. We could at least add a popup or something, like the ones for waiting hospitalized or collapsed patients.
Posts : 13
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Join date : 2019-07-02
Age : 45

[QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait Empty Re: [QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait

Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:14 pm
hi, that will be great (add a popup or something), because i can take the control over this patient... thanks!
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[QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait Empty Re: [QUESTION] the patient left after a long wait

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