Project Hospital
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

Sun May 03, 2020 8:42 pm
I was building a new hospital from scratch (with 3 million dollars edited into the save file) on a foundation with no outer walls.  Once I finished building the clinics I completed the outer wall.  All of the rooms indicated at that point that they were inaccessible to the public.  I built the doors and that notice went away.  Then I went to hire staff and the game was really reluctant to hire anyone.  My first hire vanished completely.  I was able to eventually hire a doctor and a receptionist, but the game was still sluggish.  I realized I had not created a waiting room for Emergency so I went in to do that.  To my amazement there were zero rooms listed for Emergency even though they were clearly displayed on the screen in their appropriate colors and had hiring signs in them.  This was true for all of the clinics.  I was able to remove the room definitions and re-define them, and they showed up again.  As I did that for every room on that floor, the game ran more and more smoothly.  Eventually it was running perfectly again.  I reloaded from before hiring anyone and redid the definitions, and the hiring also went smoothly with no vanishing employees.

TL,DR creating a hospital with no doors, even temporarily, makes the entire hospital FUBAR and all of the rooms must be redefined.

Save attached, from before room re-definition.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

Mon May 04, 2020 11:53 am
Hi, thanks a lot for the report, as far as I can tell this was caused by some issues from patch 24 that are already fixed in the latest version (the one you saved the game with should be fine).

Just to be sure, could you please double-check you're seeing the same on your side: if I delete the entrance/doors and cause all rooms to be inaccessible, all numbers for a department drop to 0. When I re-add the door, numbers jump back up.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

Mon May 04, 2020 4:09 pm
I'm a little confused about version numbers.  Steam describes it by patch number, but GOG supplies it by version number.  Is Version 1.2.19532 the same as Patch 25?  Version 1.2.19532 is what I am using.

Anyway, the game acts as you describe and I cannot get it to reproduce what I sent to you.  The save I sent to you is still broken until the rooms are deleted and re-defined, but new rooms added do not act badly under any combination of actions including creating a completely new hospital and going through the steps I thought caused the situation.

I downloaded the game, for a fresh install on a new computer, on the 28th of April.  I created a save on the 29th of April of 96x96 with 3 million in cash.  I created Stanley Memorial from that save.  So I don't see how i got it to act as if it was being played under patch 24 if Version 1.2.19532 is Patch 25.  But no matter, I guess.  Sorry to have bothered you.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

Mon May 04, 2020 4:22 pm
Hi, no worries - it's of course still possible that in a very specific case the problem is still there, but so far all reports/affected saves seem to be from Patch 24 (1.2.19480). But, if you still run into any issues, let us know!
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

Fri May 08, 2020 5:05 am
I saw it again this evening, but the steps were the same as last time. I built a foundation, raised walls all around, raised three more stories, plopped in a prefab of my own, then built doors. No rooms showed on the assignment although the symbols were present on the map. As before, I had to redefine the rooms and then everything was fine.

I attempted to repeat it, and found that a single placed room inside a completely enclosed area showed as a room.

Then I tried again with my prefab and it did not show any room while completely enclosed, but did recover as soon as I built a door.

I'm not sure what is causing this inconsistency on my machine.
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[NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO/RESOLVED] Creating Wall Around Hospital Breaks Game Until Rooms Are Redefined

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